We take care of the environment and the interior of your home.
Introducing the new range of GIADA Air Conditioners, which uses the environmentally friendly refrigerant R32. A new range designed to care for the planet and to provide outstanding levels of performance and comfort. And also, GIADA guarantees a cleaner environment at home thanks to its new SUPER IONIZER, which generates millions of ions that help to eliminate viruses and bacteria, and its new special filters. BIO HEPA, COLD CATALYST, ACTIVE CARBON and SILVER ION, which guarantee maximum levels of air filtration, cleaning the air from dust mites, pollen, pet hair, noxious gases, and other harmful substances.
(VOCs) and all kinds of contaminants, such as bacteria, fungi and microbes.

Ferolli Air Conditioning


Ferroli Air Conditioning

Ferroli Air Conditioning

New range of residential air conditioners

Your Air Conditioning in only 24 hours